This day the director of the INDH, Sergio Micco, categorically denied government authorities. This, after the undersecretary of the Interior, Juan Francisco Galli, assured that Fabiola Campillai was not approached, due to the recommendations of lawyers and representatives of the Institute.
“This is deeply false, the undersecretary of the Interior and Public Security is not truthful. What the Institute did was, through a letter sent to the Carabineros, through a formal and public act, point out to the Carabineros that it was not convenient for them to approach the victims in the framework of investigations that were being carried out by these state agents for a very simple reason, because it was a way to re-victimize them, “Micco said on Twitter.
🔴📽 INDH Director, Sergio Micco, responds to statements made by the Undersecretary of the Interior, this morning, about #FabiolaCampillai. More information at https://t.co/yGR21ux2KY pic.twitter.com/nUIbyG5BvM
– NHRI Chile (inddhh) September 12, 2020
NHRI statement
Through a statement, in addition, the INDH assured: “Undersecretary tries to justify the slow progress of the investigations and the lack of contact of the Government with the victims in a falsehood, which we consider unacceptable.”
“The Institute will continue to work for truth, justice, reparation, and guarantees of non-repetition of human rights violations, of the rights of all Chileans without distinction,” they stressed.