Carabineros investigates a new femicide that occurred this Thursday in the Viña del Mar commune, in the Valparaíso Region.
Carabinieri of # Viña del Mar confirms alleged femicide in Miraflores Alto. The author burned the apartment after the attack and the victim’s body is calcined. Labocar and OS9 in charge of expert reports. Arrested goes to control, there are carabinieri injured by the proc @Cooperative #CooperativeRegions pic.twitter.com/GfhijTFjFI
– Belén Velásquez Neracher (@belenvelasquez) December 25, 2020
The crime occurred inside an apartment located in the Frei Avenue from the neighborhood Miraflores Alto.
According to what was reported by the Carabineros, the victim died from sharps injuries allegedly inflicted by his partnerwho after the crime burned down the house with the woman’s body inside, which was charred.
Neighbors tried to lynch the man, who will windowsill in the property.
The subject was detained by Carabineros personnel and will be transferred to detention control this Friday.
Several policemen were injured during the operation, although the causes of the injuries are unknown.
- If you are a victim or witness of violence against women, contact the following numbers: 1455 (Help and guidance phone for violence against women :); 149 (Fono Familia de Carabineros); 134 (PDI); 600 400 0101 (Secure Denunciation Phone); send a message to WhatsApp Woman: +569 9700 7000; or contact the web chat of sernameg.gob.cl: ssl.holdtech.cl/iframe-chat-sernameg/