Carabineros from the 37th Police Station received a complaint from some residents of the Vitacura district that an 84-year-old man was in a small square, “practicing” target shooting with a 22-caliber firearm.
The police personnel went to the designated place at the intersection of the Escrivá de Balaguer avenues with Padre Hurtado, where they found that there was evidence of shots fired recently in the trees, activating the location of the individual in the vicinity. Thus, he was detained in an underground parking lot near the point indicated above, where he kept his car.
Upon reviewing said vehicle, a 22-caliber pistol was seized, without an order, in the name of the detainee, 22-caliber ammunition, three percussion vanillas of the same caliber, and paper targets that recorded ballistic impacts.
The man was arrested for carrying and firing a firearm on public roads, although the person does not have a criminal record. He was warned under article 26 by order of the prosecutor on duty, after it was clarified that he has a medical history of depression.