Neighbor of woman murdered after slamming gate affirms that one of the assailants was not more than 13 years old National


A neighbor of the woman murdered after a slamming gate on Quilín avenue of the Peñalolén commune, recounted the moments before the victim was attacked by three subjects, who later fled.

Maribel del Carmen Quezada, 57, lost her life after being attacked with a knife when she opened the door of her home to park your vehicle.

A relative of the deceased added that she was a mother of four children, a wife and a worker. “All we need is for justice to be done and for these people to be quickly located, ”he summoned the authorities.

Prior to this, according to a neighbor in the sector, the three assailants passed outside his house and one of them asked him for water.

“I was watering and I said ‘look, don’t take the hose from me because of the covid issue, but I do give you water,’ but he didn’t even drink,” he recalled.

Due to what happened Thursday afternoon, he believes it was a strategy to see who they could assault.

After that interaction, the subjects continued to advance. After 2 minutes, I heard a scream, I threw the hose, I shot out to see what was happening and then I realized that the car was no longer there, they were taking it away ”.

It was shocking to see the lady inside her house lying and blood coming out. The husband tried to take it, ”she said.

The neighbor believes that she was saved from being the victim of the robbery because she was watering, since, according to the information she was handling, the subjects would have asked the woman for water prior to the robbery.

“The youngest, who asked me for water, was about 12, maximum 13 years old. The other 17, 18 years old ”, He highlighted and stressed that “it was noticeable that they were not from the sector.”

Finally, he indicated that he is in a state of shock. “I feel sorry for the family, the little girls that will remain (…) it really is a tragedy in the way he died.
