National Holidays: More than 240 thousand vehicles have left the capital to regions so far | National


Within the framework of the eighteenth celebrations, the Ministry of Public Works reported the departure of 240 thousand vehicles from the Metropolitan region, between September 14 and 18.

This is a figure below the 330 thousand vehicles that the portfolio projected to date and that represents less than 40% of the traffic registered during the same period in 2019, which meant the departure of almost 600 thousand cars from the region that year.

The data was confirmed and detailed by Minister Alfredo Moreno:

In the main exit routes from the capital, added to the Valparaíso region, Greater Concepción, Temuco and Padre Las Casas, sanitary cords were established, which prohibits the movement to second homes.

According to what was reported by Carabineros, 31 thousand vehicles left through the different routes of the Metropolitan region in the last 24 hours, 3 thousand 808 cars have been returned nationwide, while 803 vehicles have been returned to their place of origin in Santiago.

The Carabineros colonel, Juan Muñoz Rodríguez, pointed out that mobility, compared to a similar holiday on days like San Pedro and San Pablo in July, increased by 10%.

For his part, the manager of Ruta Maipo, Juan Pablo Chávez, detailed the current vehicular traffic situation on Ruta 5 Sur.

In relation to the mobility restrictions imposed by the sanitary cords, movement is only allowed in three cases: return home due to work, attendance at a funeral service and an urgent medical hour.
