How broad and transversal will the celebration of Chileans be in these National Holidays in the midst of the pandemic? According to a survey carried out by the Izit app, 60.3 of our compatriots plan to carry out some type of activity within the framework of this new September 18.
On the other hand, according to the data collected by the survey, 13.1% of those surveyed have not contemplated any type of celebration in these National Holidays marked by the coronavirus and the corresponding sanitary restrictions.

And although the plan “Fondéate en tu casa” launched by the Government allows going to other homes, only 3.7% intend to visit friends. The vast majority will stay at home (65.6%).
As has happened with many meetings – of various kinds – in these months of covid-19, 58% stated that they will contact their loved ones through a teleconference or similar. Of this universe of loved ones, the family holds the most significant percentage (67.9%).
