National Holidays effect? In six regions, active cases rose to two weeks from “18”


The plan “Fondéate en tu Casa”, applied by the Government during National Holidays, “had a positive effect on the Metropolitan Region and other regions,” evaluated this Saturday the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, after being consulted in today’s daily balance, two weeks after the holiday.

In this framework, according to epidemiological report of the Department of Statistics and Health Information, of the Minsal, reported that, at least according to the figures until Thursday, October 1, 10 regions saw significant declines in the number of active coronavirus cases.

If compared with the situation reported on September 17, where the number of patients who can infect others fell the most, in absolute numbers, it was in the Metropolitan region, from 4,827 to 4,360; Atacama (417 to 364), Ñuble, from 909 to 588, and Valparaiso, from 1,871 to 1,557,

The others where there were decreases, in geographical order, were Tarapacá (479 to 384), Antofagasta (534 to 504), Coquimbo (719 to 500), O’Higgins (1,173 to 1,026), Maule (1,382 to 1,205) and Biobío ( 2,530 to 2,360).

On the other hand, six regions -mainly in the southern zone- did see considerable increases in the number of active cases, and in some it practically doubled and even quadrupled.

Proportionally, where this most happened was in the Aysén region, who went from being 53, in mid-September, to 202 at the beginning of October.

In The Araucanía the number increased from 556 to 871, in The rivers from 261 to 473, in The lakes from 722 to 1,259, and in Magellan, which is still very affected, from 1,441 to 1,623. Meanwhile, the only region in the north-central zone that also had an increase was Arica and Parinacota, which went from 399 to 444.


In other figures, the DEIS report revealed that until October 1, 528,219 cases of Covid-19 in the country: of these, 466,590 with laboratory confirmation and 61,629 probable, without laboratory confirmation; with a rate of 2,714.6 infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

Regarding the deaths since March, they have registered 17,480, 12,919 of them confirmed by Covid-19 and 4,561 considered as probable cases.

Magellan maintains the highest mortality rate of the last weeks, considering deceased persons who had PCR positive for coronavirus, of 12 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. They are followed by Arica (4.5), Tarapacá and Atacama (in both of 3), Metropolitana (2.7) and Biobío (2.6); in all, it exceeds the national rate, situated at 2.4.
