Municipality signs agreement with Channel 13 and TVN for the suspension of the Viña del Mar Festival 2021 | TV and Show


The Municipal Council of Viña del Mar approved in its extraordinary session this Monday the Agreement reached by the municipality with the concession channels of the Viña del Mar International Song Festival, after the postponement of version 62 during the summer of 2021, due to the health situation generated by the Covid 19 pandemic.

The agreement means that It will be complied with keeping the concession of the Viñamarino Festival in force, and that the municipality should not return money for compliance with the contractual conditions by not holding the event, considering that the concession was paid in advance until the end of the contract.

In addition, the agreement includes giving continuity to the image of the city, with a safe tourist promotion in the context of Covid 19, focusing only on the national market due to the conditions of the pandemic.In addition, the channels were committed to carrying out promotional content and tourism in Viña del Mar, through one or several formats or programs to be determined, according to the programmatic guidelines of the channels.

The mayor Virginia Reginato described as a “timely and weighted agreement” for all parties, and it is a very relevant achievement for the city and also for the trajectory of our main intangible heritage of the commune. Reginato thanked the council and the channels for the agreement.

“I want to thank the Municipal Council for its understanding and for supporting to carry out this transaction, as well as Channel 13 and TVN for having reached a realistic agreement but that maintains the essential purpose of our contest ”, Held.

With this ended the complications that began when four months ago the channels began to indicate that it was not going to be possible to hold the event, putting the municipality in the position of having to return about 5 billion pesos.

Since then, the legal and technical teams of the Municipality, Channel 13 and National Television of Chile, began to propose alternatives for implementation. As these were not possible, in November it was decided to postpone version 62 to February 2023.
