Municipality of Viña will not return to the channels the money paid by the Festival and it is agreed to make a TV program


This afternoon in an extraordinary session, the Municipal Council of Viña del Mar approved the agreement drawn up between the organizing channels, TVN and Channel 13, and the legal and technical teams of the municipality of said city, for the postponement of the 2021 version of the Festival de Viña, already announced by the parties in early November as a result of the health emergency that still affects the country.

Said agreement consists of four points, of which some were already known, and which were approved by the municipal council, which establish: maintain the current Festival concession for the original 4 years -now until 2023 after the delivery of next year will move to 2022-; that the municipality does not refund the money already paid through the channels for the event (the concession income for the 2019-2022 period amounts to $ 4,500 million); promote city tourism in the context of Covid-19; and create promotional content for the Garden City, with one or more formats or programs, according to the programmatic guidelines of the channels.

These last points were in doubt, but in the meeting it was resolved that -in the absence of the event-, the signals must deliver additional content during the last week of February, the period in which the event was taking place.

More about vine Festival

With the agreement already resolved, the channels have a period of 20 days to develop a project, which would then be presented to the festival committee. Among the options that can be given are to make a program with the best moments of previous festivals, or that some programs such as morning can be done from Viña del Mar. The options are even open to each channel making a program separately.

“I want to thank the Honorable Municipal Council for their understanding and support to carry out this transaction, as well as Canal 13 and Televisión Nacional de Chile for having reached a realistic agreement, but which maintains the essential purpose of our contest which is to become an agent. promotion of Viñamarino tourism, ”said Mayor Virginia Reginato after the meeting.
