With a view to the municipal elections on April 11, the parties that make up the Frente Amplio announced the communes, throughout all of Chile, where they will contest mayors. Among them Central Station, Peñalolén, Puente Alto, Ñuñoa and Maipú in the Metropolitan region and in addition to Quilpué and Viña del Mar (Valparaiso region) and communes such as La Serena, Valdivia and Punta Arenas, among others.
From the conglomerate they indicated that they are working on a “wide territorial deployment and that local governments are recovered by their neighbors, with participation and protagonism.”
Jorge Ramirez, President of Commons, indicated that “we are committed to a popular will that recovers the municipalities that today are in the hands of the right and the conservative sectors of the consensus to put them at the service of the people”, and stressed from his party “we are convinced that the institutions must recover its citizen sovereignty ”.
“That is why from the FA we promote citizen, transformative and change candidacies, but we know that it is not enough alone, it is necessary to go beyond the FA, articulate with Chile Digno and with the current mayors of change such as Valparaíso, Macul or Independencia to be a force I managed to defeat the candidates of continuity ”, he concluded.
For its part, the holder of Social Convergence, Alondra Arellano, indicated that “local governments are the institutions that are closest to the problems and needs of citizens and that is why we have decided to raise more than 100 transformative candidates in this first municipal election that we face as Broad Front, where we seek to democratize and make transparent the municipalities, along with increasing representation of women, as Today we only have 10% of women mayors throughout the country”.
The president of Democratic Revolution, Catalina PérezHe commented that “the importance of local governments to really transform the living conditions of neighbors is undeniable, and from the FA our leaderships are committed to bringing municipalities closer to the needs of the people. We call on the rest of the political forces to reach agreements in the different territories so that the indolent right does not impose itself on the projects of change ”.
For her part, the coordinator of the Unir Movement, Lorena Fries, indicated that “the Broad Front seeks to establish itself with participatory and transforming local governments in more than 100 communes of the country. We want more power and autonomy in the territories and start from there the changes that the country requires and that citizens demand of us ”.
Fernando Atria, President of Common ForceHe added that “the new Constitution must set the conditions for a new policy, but that new policy must also be built from local governments,” highlighting that “for us in the Broad Front, the election of mayors and councilors is so extraordinarily important, because it is not only a matter of the new Constitution, but it is also their daily experience, that citizens see a local government which responds to them and can participate. That is why the municipal election is important ”.
These are the communes that FA seeks to win in the municipal elections:
Algarrobo, Alto Hospicio, Ancud, Antofagasta, Cabildo, Calama, Calbuco, La Calera, Calera de Tango, Cartagena, Casablanca, Catemu, Cerrillos, Chiguayante, Chillán Viejo, Colina, Combarbalá, Concepción, Copiapó, Coquimbo, Corral, El Bosque, El Tabo, Central Station, Galvarino, Gorbea, Hualaihué, Hualpén, Huasco, Huechuraba, Illapel, Independencia, Iquique, La Cisterna, La Florida, La Granja, La Pintana and La Serena, La Ligua, Lampa, Las Condes, Limache, Linares , Llay-llay, Lo Espejo, Lo Prado, Los Andes, Macul, Maipú, Mussels, Melipilla, Christmas, Ñiquen, Ñuñoa, Olivar, Ollague, Olmué, Osorno, Ovalle, Padre Hurtado, Paillaco, Paine, Papudo, Pedro Aguirre Cerda , Peñaflor, Peñalolén, Petorca, Puchuncaví, Puente Alto, Puerto Montt, Punitaqui, Punta Arenas, Purén, Putaendo, Quilicura, Quillota, Quilpué, Quinta de Tilcoco, Quinta Normal, Quintero, Rancagua, Rengo, Rinconada, Río Bueno, San Antonio , San Felipe, San Fernando, San Javier, San José De Maipo, San Miguel, San Pedro De Atacama, San Ramón, Talagante, Talcahuano, Temuco, Tierra Amarilla, Tiltil, Tocopilla, Tomé, Valdivia, Vallenar, Villa Alemana, Villarrica, Viña Del Mar and Zapallar.