More than three million people were left without pension savings after a second retirement


A total of 3,005,956 people were left without pension savings after the second withdrawal of funds from the AFPs began, the Superintendency of Pensions reported today.

According to the entity, between the first and second withdrawal of pension funds to date the Chilean pension system has paid resources for a total of 31,349 million dollars.

According to the data provided by the AFPs, until January 1, due to the first withdrawal of funds, payments have been made for a total amount of 19,804 million dollars. From a universe of 10,463,607 affiliates and beneficiaries who requested their pension savings, 97.3% or 10,185,167 already have their resources. Also, of this group of people, 2,097,474 were left without pension savings.

Meanwhile, for the second withdrawal until 5:00 p.m. today, payments had been generated for a total of $ 11,545 million. Of a total of 6,919,879 people who have requested their pension funds in this process, 92% or 6,351,147 people have already received the respective payments. In this case, 908,482 affiliates no longer have pension savings.

Likewise, the Superintendency reported that while for the first withdrawal the average payment amount per person is 1,382,963 pesos, in the case of the second process it amounts to 1,292,391 pesos.

The AFPs specified that, due to the first withdrawal, until January 1, 11,970,428 requests have been entered to transfer resources from the mandatory individual capitalization accounts. Of this, 6.7% are rejected due to problems in the information provided by people.

In the second withdrawal, meanwhile, until 5:00 p.m. today, out of a total of 7,147,616 requests entered, the 4.3% has not been accepted due to difficulties in the information reported by members and beneficiaries.
