Was announced less than a week ago and, in these few days, it has only generated criticism, internal conflicts in the ruling party and noticeable – even surprising – changes on the fly.
Last Wednesday the Government presented its 18th plan “Fondéate en tu casa”, which indicated that the days 18 September 19 and 20, family reunions would be authorized even in quarantined communes: up to five visits would be allowed in closed places -such as a house- and 10 in open spaces.
The information surprised and raised doubts. In the following days, mayors of different political colors – even from the Chile Vamos coalition itself – came out to question the measure and called on the public to ignore it and maintain the precautionary measures. The conflict became even more apparent when, on Friday, the Intendant of Biobío, Sergio Giacaman, publicly criticized the decision of the Central Government and, summoned by La Moneda to retract, declined to do so.
Yesterday afternoon, finally, the Executive backed down and announced that those who live in communes under quarantine will not be able to receive visitors, as the logic indicated.
“The special permit for September 18, 19 and 20, will exclude the communes that are in Step 1 or in quarantine”
Minister @jaimebellolio pic.twitter.com/c9zSRo0QKY
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) September 6, 2020
“We listen to the people: we listen to the mayors, we listen to the mayors, we ponder the situation and, obviously, we find them absolutely right, because being in quarantine, allowing people to get out – mobility is essential – was hardly relevant, so we went backwards, without accepting it as something bad “, deepened last night, in National Television, he Minister Enrique Paris.
“That’s why our plan is called Step by Step: we can go forward or backward. Here we had to go back, because we recognize that It is not logical that the quarantined communes can have these permits during the National Holidays“said Paris.
#ENational | The Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, referred to the changes that were made to the plan #FondeateEnTuCasa
📡Follow the signal live # 24 play ➡ https://t.co/P9Pm85Gd6i pic.twitter.com/jSV422yfPj
– National State (@estadonacional) September 7, 2020
Five just
Next, when detailing the changes applied to the regulations, the Secretary of State indicated that “In the house you can gather up to five people. That is, if you have three people, you can receive just two”.
“Ah! Weren’t there five extra to those who lived in the house?“asked the surprised journalist Matías del Río, conductor of “Estado Nacional”.
“Nerd. That was also, perhaps, poorly explained: there are five people in closed places and 10 people in open places “Paris replied.
“Jaime Bellolio explained it today (Sunday). He said: ‘I have four children, with my wife and I there are six … We cannot receive anyone ‘... He explained it very well, “said the minister, who assured that now this rule will not change in the future.

The Government had announced authorization to receive up to five visits (each of the three days) in a house in quarantined communes. He backed off on both counts.
Last Wednesday when he showed up “Stay in your house”, the instruction was totally different: “Families are the fundamental nucleus and we want people to be able to share in this 18. That is why A national rule has been established: family members can be visited up to a maximum of five people“said that day the Undersecretary for Crime Prevention, Katherine Martorell.
“I can receive five people in my home on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of these holidays and up to 10 people in open places. This is extremely important because we are calling people to enjoy themselves as a family, but at home and taking care of contagions “, Martorell explained, without the minister present at the appearance before the press – he” corrected “them at that time, if it considered that it was “explaining badly” the regulation.