Agency One
The monument to Manuel Baquedano in Plaza Italia apparently could be living his last days in that place in Santiago. This is because the Army wants to choose to move the statue due to the damage it has suffered since the start of the social outbreak.
This decision depends on the Council of National Monuments, which must analyze the Army’s request, but has not yet submitted a formal request.
According to Ex-ante, there are two places that are being considered:
- Replace the current statue of Manuel Bulnes, in the central bandejón of the Alameda, in front of La Moneda.
- In front of the Bicentennial building on Avenida Tupper.

Then how is the transfer of Baquedano decided?
The Monuments Council explains that the procedure, once the transfer request is received, begins with analyzing the technical background of the eventual transfer and the place to which it is intended to be taken.
Likewise, their opinion should be consulted with the respective municipality, in this case Providencia. After detailed analysis of this information, the Council, in plenary session, decides on the request.
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