Modification to expand the scope of school transportation enters the Comptroller’s Office


This afternoon the amendment to the two decrees that regulate school transportation entered the Comptroller’s Office, and that will allow people who work in the sector to perform other services, such as transporting medical supplies or Junji food boxes while the suspension of classes is extended. face-to-face.

Currently, the regulations only allow these services to perform tasks other than school transport during student vacations, and with a permit that is requested 30 days in advance.

“We know that this pandemic has also financially affected school carriers. For this reason, as a ministry we work with special effort to expand the employment opportunities in this area. We also believe that in order to help, association between different actors that require a greater number of carriers is essential. We call on those who need it, to contact people from the school transport sector to carry out other tasks, once this regulatory change allows it, “said the minister, Gloria Hutt.

The change, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, benefits all vehicles and carriers registered in the National Registry of Paid Transportation Services for Schoolchildren.

According to said registry, as of March of this year there are 26,950 registered vehicles, of which 6,986 are buses and 19,964 are minibuses. In addition, there are 29,950 registered drivers: 8,078 women and 21,549 men.
