The Biobío Health Seremi initiated a health investigation for a coronavirus outbreak that was generated among health inspectors in the Los Angeles commune after an irresponsible “joke” by one of the officials; a situation that already adds seven infected and another 28 in preventive quarantine.
As reported by the health authority, the incident affected “officials of the Biobío Provincial Delegation hired under the current health situation by Covid-19”, after a team member coughed in front of a colleague stating in a “joke” tone, and despite the risk of contagion, that nothing would happen if he carried out that dangerous action.
Later, the same examiner underwent a PCR test and tested positive for coronavirus the next day.
“An official denounced the exposure to risk due to an improper and irresponsible action of another official who would have touched near her, removing her mask. By virtue of the complaint, an administrative summary and a health summary were initiated to determine possible responsibilities and sanctions, “announced the seremi Héctor Muñoz.
The authority reported that “The official who coughed without a mask was cataloged the next day as a positive case, while the complaining official was in close contact.”
“The unusual situation that occurred is part of an epidemiological investigation into an outbreak currently being experienced by the provincial delegation of Biobío de la Seremi de Salud, which to date has seven positive cases and 28 close contacts“he added.
The health department confirmed that all those involved are quarantining in accordance with current health provisions.