This Saturday, the Ministry of Health highlighted the commune of Santa Cruz, in the Region of the Liberator General Bernardo O’Higgins, for heading the list of best traceability in Chile, reaching the 7.4 contacts per positive case, the best record in the country-comparison, a fundamental factor to control the progress of the pandemic and thus advance positively in the Step by Step plan.
These numbers are based on the new report from Testing, Traceability and Isolation (TTA) of the Ministry of Health and in the report of the researcher in charge of the epidemiological-mathematical group for the surveillance of epidemics and pandemics of the Usach, in communes with more than 25,000 inhabitants.
According to the authorities, this demonstrates the good work that the Santa Cruz health teams have done, incorporating the maximum of health protocols in the health services and redoubling their efforts in active investigation of asymptomatic patients, to maintain the safety of the patients. inhabitants and excellent control of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We have had a very tough year, but a good strategy and adequate planning serve to better deal with this virus. We know that this will continue to mark 2021, so we cannot lower our arms for having such good numbers. On the contrary, this must give us the strength to continue growing and perfecting our preventive model. And in this, the community, our expert epidemiologists and all health workers have been fundamental ”, he commented the mayor of Santa Cruz, William Arévalo.