The figures were released in the latest report published this Saturday by the Ministry of Health.
This Saturday the Ministry of Health published the epidemiological report No. 64, through which it was reported that, since the beginning of the pandemic, there are 19,070 deaths from COVID-19, counting confirmed and suspected cases.
Likewise, it was detailed that, of this number of deaths, 14,207 are confirmed deaths for the disease, while 4,863 son suspicious.
It was also reported that, until October 29, there have been 576,949 coronavirus cases, of which 508,571 have laboratory confirmation Y 68,378 are considered probable.
On the other hand, it was announced that, according to laboratory-confirmed cases, the highest cumulative incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants are found in the Magallanes region (7343.5), followed by Metropolitan Region (4095.9) and the Arica and Parinacota region (3930.4).
Meanwhile, it was highlighted that the age group with the most infections is that comprised between the 30 and 44 years, forming a 29.65% of confirmed and probable cases. People from between 45 and 64 years, these being a 28.74% of those infected.
Finally, regarding the communes with the most active cases, it was found that the one that leads is Temuco (455), with Montt port (429) in second place and Punta Arenas (357) in the third.