Minsal releases details about the coronavirus vaccination program


A total of 35,700,000 will be the number of vaccines that our country will receive against the coronavirus. As reported by the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, during the day today, and recalling the national channel of yesterday from President Sebastián Piñera, where he announced that 4 million doses of Sinovac vaccines will arrive next week.

“We will have more than 10 million doses of Pfizer vaccines, and more than 10 million Sinovac vaccines. The Pfizers are committed until the fourth quarter of 2021 and for Sinovac the commitment is to have 10 million in March 2021 ″Paris explained. “Chile will therefore receive a very important quantity of vaccines.”

In addition to these two laboratories, said the head of the Health portfolio, we have committed doses with AstraZeneca (4,000,000 vaccines), Johnson & Johnson (4,000,000) and also with Covax of the WHO (7,600,000), which It finally gives the total of 35,700,000 and with what is expected to comply with the inoculation of more than 15 million people in Chile.

The prioritization of the population is as follows:

1. Health personnel-critical patients (50,000)

2. Adults over 80 years of age, health personnel, residents and officials of Eleam and Sename (1,050,000)

3. Essential workers for the proper functioning of society and the State (200,000)

As Paris explained below, but in parallel, The entire apparatus of the Minsal and the municipalities and clinics will be deployed to inoculate the following groups:

  • Older adults between 65 and 80 years old and adults with chronic diseases (3,890,649)
  • Education and basic services workers (5,050,000)
  • General population (10,000,000)

To achieve a goal of approximately 15 million people by the end of the first semester, that is, at the end of June, says Paris, “The first goal is March 31, and the second goal at the end of June”

“This is a plan that we consider very important, it is an ambitious plan, we must recognize it,” but, he indicates, they will put all the effort from the Government to carry it out.
