Minsal emails: The deadline requested by Paris is “unpresentable”, says Jadue’s lawyer


The lawyer for the communist mayor Daniel Jadue, Ramon Sepúlveda, considered this Tuesday “unpresentable” that the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, has asked the Seventh Guarantee Court of Santiago for a 42-day extension to deliver the emails requested by the North Central Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office, within the framework of the investigation into the handling of coronavirus figures during the pandemic.

“When he (Paris) presented the opposition, he pointed out that there would be communications that would put national security at risk and clearly, if that statement is made to prevent the legitimate action of the Public Ministry, we believe that at least the emails, the boxes should have been identified “, said to Cooperative the lawyer, plaintiff in the case.

“What was done was only to hinder and delay the actions of the Public Ministry, therefore, we believe that the court should reject this term”added Sepúlveda.

Prosecutor Xavier Armendáriz seeks access to the emails of the former Minister of Health Jaime Mañalich -resigned in June- and the Undersecretary of Public Health, Paula Daza, in addition to the former Minsal chief of staff, Itziar Linazasoro; request that had been accepted by the aforementioned court.

However, Minister Paris denied the request, accusing a national security risk, which started a judicial discussion that led to the Supreme Court, which on October 15 determined the partial delivery of emails to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, but with exceptions with regard to those linked “to the acquisition of essential and strategic implements and supplies to face the pandemic”, along with the “allocation of military and police troops and resources to strategic and logistical tasks related to Covid-19”.

After that, the Secretary of State presented an order not to innovate, seeking to nullify the measure, but the highest court declared it inadmissible.

Now, on Monday, Paris filed a request with the Seventh Guarantee Court, asking for the aforementioned extension of 42 business days in the deadline to deliver the emails, in circumstances that the court had set three.

The Minsal holder’s argument points to the large number of emails, amounting to about 49,000, which are hosted on Entel servers.

In the letter, he argued that the task of selecting them, “due to its nature and importance, must be carried out by trained personnel from the Ministry of Health, under strict security measures, in a room equipped and suitable to ensure its success.” .

“After the above process, specifically, to diligently review such a number of emails, As a Ministry, we would need at least 10 lawyers trained for this task, where each one reviews 4,900 emails, a task that would imply at least 28 working days of exclusive work (…) without counting the personnel trained in computer science (…) and the logistics that must be used, “said Paris.

This, in order to comply with the formula proposed by the Prosecutor’s Office, must first individualize those that do not correspond to the subject of the investigation: in this way, the portfolio must have two copies of the emails, one as protected evidence and another with the selection that will get to the persecuting organisms
