Minister Zaldívar warns that forced retirement for the “daddy hearts” will be paid by “the entire society”


In the midst of the debate on the project to withdraw a second pension fund withdrawal born in the Chamber of Deputies, the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, María José Zaldívar criticized the initiative that seeks to generate a forced withdrawal of part of the pension funds to alimony debtors.

According to the Secretary of State, all citizens would end up paying the debt. “It cannot be that the children in our country are receiving the resources that correspond to them by virtue of alimony when there is an extraordinary retirement. It cannot be that those parents who have not financed the maintenance of their children, see their funds for a future pension diminished because, ultimately, what is going to happen is that these parents are not going to take charge of the maintenance pensions, but in the future it will be the entire society that will have to finance it through the Solidarity Pillar ”, explained Zaldívar.

“Establishing that the mechanism through which I am going to pay for children’s meals in Chile is going to be through the recovery of the resources that in the future should be used to finance the pensions of those parents, will imply that all the The rest of society is going to finance these alimony pensions because those parents are going to be future beneficiaries of the Solidarity Pillar ”, he insisted.

“What corresponds is to look for mechanisms to be able to ensure the payment of these meals month by month, because the children eat every month not only when there is extraordinary retirement, and that it is done in such a way that those parents assume that responsibility and not the rest of society as a whole ”, he concluded.
