The Minister of Culture and the Arts, Consuelo Valdés referred to the budget that her portfolio will receive for the year 2021. In that line, she assured that art is going through a difficult time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so she hopes that the budget is 1%.
“The pandemic and the social outbreak of October has hit the cultural sector very unexpectedly and severely,” he began by saying in an interview with CNN Chile.
Along these lines, he said that they made “a consultation in March, to find out what were the measures that, in the opinion of groups, organizations, artists, they found that our ministry should lift to meet their demands and urgencies.”
In spite of that, Valdés affirmed that “the ministry does not have the authority to provide social assistance”, but that they did work on calls and special funds.
For this reason, Valdés is convinced that by 2021 they will have a “good project budget, within the health, economic and unemployment context of the country.”
“It has to be the ambition of the State of Chile that we hopefully reach a budget of 1%,” he added.
In the final part of the interview, Valdés said that this does not depend on her, since the resources “do not belong to this or to the State (…) they are resources of all Chileans and a weight that is placed on culture is because to place in another program or need of citizens ”.
Credit: CNN Chile