The Minister of the Interior, Victor Perez, assured this Friday that the carabinero who was discovered infiltrated in the town of Lo Hermida, Peñalolén commune, “is not committing a crime” and that these actions “have to be strengthened.”
The police officer was discovered by the neighbors because some time ago he had starred in a reality TV show.
“He was sent to infiltrate an organization and detect those who were attacking, using weapons, using Molotov cocktails. I think it was a good function. That it has been discovered is without a doubt a fault that we have to overcome, but that person has not committed crimes “, detailed the Secretary of State.
In addition, Pérez affirmed that “if that person in the exercise of his functions commits a crime, he is absolutely absolved from any type of investigation.”
On the criticism of the mayor of Peñalolén, Carolina Leitao, who pointed out that “One thing is an undercover agent and another is for it to incite violence”, the minister pointed out that this procedure it is not done “in a kindergarten”.
“He is not infiltrated in a kindergarten, he is infiltrated in a criminal organization and he has to act in this context… Therefore I would not criticize him, on the contrary, we have to strengthen this type of actions that are supervised and exhaustive control so that these people are successful, “he said at a press point.
Finally he commented that “if someone wants those criminal organizations or drug traffickers not to be intervened, let them say so, but do not criticize the actions of an official that he was fulfilling the task. “