Minister Pérez dismisses criticism of opposition to the controversial decalogue of Sebastián Piñera | National


The Minister of the Interior, Víctor Pérez, dismissed the opposition’s criticism of the main guidelines that President Sebastián Piñera submitted for a new Constitution.

In that sense, Pérez denied “Intrusion” by La Moneda and urged the different sectors to make their proposals on the matter known.

During this Monday, the reactions continued after yesterday they were made known the ten fundamental principles to keep in the new Constitution by President Sebastián Piñera.

A decalogue that brought criticism from the opposition, a sector that indicated that what was proposed by the president, that Chile continue to be a democratic republic with the rule of law; that the role of the State is more supportive at the service of people, among other things, it’s nothing new.

Also, he was accused of intrusion to La Moneda, which was rejected and cataloged as absurd by the Minister of the Interior, Víctor Pérez.

Within Chile Vamos, the study centers linked to the parties are mandated to grant the most technical foundations for the elaboration of a new Magna Carta.

Currently, the Instituto Libertad; the Horizontal Studies Center and the Jaime Guzmán Foundation, organizations linked to RN, Evópoli and the UDI They are working on the preparation of a base document for the constitutional discussion, which should be ready next week.

The director of the Center for Horizontal Studies, linked to Evópoli, Sebastián Izquierdo, pointed out that they are committed to a minimum Constitution, so that governments can make their programs more flexible as the administration advances, also focusing on a deep modernization of the state.

The director of the Instituto Libertad -close to RN-, Catalina Alvial, pointed out that the new Constitution must materialize the citizen’s petition for greater social rights.

In opposition, meanwhile, there has also been coordination at the level of study centers. However, that has not yet led to common minimums, as explained by the Executive Director of Chile 21, Eduardo Vergara.

Other issues that made news was the proposal of the Electoral Service to be able to present bills on electoral matters.

The president of the board of directors of Servel, Patricio Santamaría, explained that they do not want to impose laws in the event that the faculty is handed over to the institution, while -from the Government- the minister of the Segpres, Cristián Monckeberg, rejected legislating in this regard.

Specifically, it was with a three page document that President Sebastián Piñera raised 10 essential points that – in his opinion – should have a new Constitution.
