Minister Paris confirms that this week the ISP will make the decision to approve the Pfizer vaccine in Chile


It is the new of the day. The US FDA, the body that regulates drug distribution, authorized the distribution of the Pfizer vaccine against coronavirus in that country.

In this regard, the Chilean Minister of Health, Enrique Paris said: “The FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine is very positive.” But next, when asked about the possibility of having this vaccine in the country in the coming days, as President Piñera implied during his speech yesterday at the XV Summit of the Pacific Alliance, the minister detailed the next steps .

“This week the ISP will make the determination -ad-. We have a meeting with the ISP committee of experts and invited guests to analyze this data and based on the results of the FDA we will make the determination this week ”.

However, asked about an eventual date to start the vaccination, Paris was cautious. Unlike what was raised by Piñera, who stated that he hoped to start the inoculation “during the next few days or weeks”, the owner of the Minsal did not set a deadline.

“I cannot advance dates but all possible efforts will be made at the government and Minsal level to vaccinate to start vaccination as soon as possible”said Paris.

Another aspect that The concern at Minsal is traceability. Although, in the average of the cases investigated this reaches 91.7%, as revealed by Paris, the minister He assured that the situation is worrisome for two reasons: the lack of tracers and the refusal of people to make their close contacts known.

“Obviously we need to have more tracers and have more positive responses from the population, because it is happening that many people do not want to publicize the number of contacts they had. Many times it has to do with job loss, medical leave, etc ”.

For this reason, from the Minsal they are betting on a campaign to reinforce this last point, in which they have the support of influencers on social networks. “We are launching via Instagram, Twitter, Facebook messages are some inlfuencers to reinforce the issue of traceability. This starts today ”.
