The Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, expressed his concern for the 88% of outbreaks of coronavirus contagion that occurs in family contexts, acknowledging errors in the communication of risk to the population, but ruling out that it is the responsibility of the controversial vacation leave announced by the authority at the beginning of this year.
“The worst thing that can happen is that you start to blame yourself or others. It is not about blaming people or institutions. They are measures (vacation leave) that were taken very thoughtfully, thinking about pandemic fatigue (confinement), about the need for people to go on vacation, ”said Paris.
The head of Health added that “we do not blame the families either, but We ask you please to take the sanitary measures so that this does not happen again or continues to happen “.
They acknowledge mistakes
The minister again recognized errors in risk communication, so that the population does not lower its guard against a virus that is still far from being less aggressive.
“We are always ready to admit mistakes. If we were not clear in the risk communication, in saying that vacation leave is very important, from the point of view of mental health and pandemic fatigue, and if we were not clear enough in communicating that the same measurements should be maintained during the holidays that they kept in their workplaces, of course we have to recognize that perhaps we made a mistake in not transferring that importance of sanitary measures from the usual home to the vacation spot, ”said Paris.
“Let’s not blame the permit”
“Let’s not blame the vacation leave, then. It is not the same to blame an entelechy (an ideal that only exists in the imagination), which we have called vacation leave, the behavior of people and the failure, perhaps, communicational of ourselves, which I do assume ” stressed Minister Paris.
Along the same lines, the Undersecretary of Public Health, Paula Daza, explained that “what happened is not particularly attributable to vacation leave. The increase in cases has occurred in communes where people do not go on vacation and (also) in communes where they go on vacation. The summer situation and all the social activities, which we have seen that occur during the summer, produce an increase in infections ”.
Curfew defense
Daza reaffirmed the importance of the curfew and the Step by Step plan to limit mobility and prevent new infections.
“The state of exception gives us powers to restrict the mobility of people. We know that the curfew has an important health objective. Most of the people who are infected are young, who have more social activity, particularly at night. It is not that the virus is worse in the day or at night, what changes is the behavior of people. At night, people tend to have more social activity, accompanied by (consumption of) alcohol, obviously it causes infections to occur in those situations ”.
The undersecretary insisted that “We have had outbreaks in social gatherings, on birthdays, at parties, where one person has infected 20, 50, or 60 people. That is why it seems essential to us to extend the state of exception to continue having these health attributions, as long as we have the pandemic situation ”.