During the report this Saturday by the Ministry of Health, the head of said portfolio, Enrique Paris, again referred to the process of delivering the 49 thousand emails requested by the Central North regional prosecutor, Xavier Armendáriz, within the framework of his investigation into the covid-19 deaths in Chile.
“We are going to comply with what the justice ruled. In three working days we are going to deliver the emails that are going to be selected, but Entel still has not delivered the emails to us,” Minister Paris established.
“That is why at the beginning of this legal procedure, when the prosecutor went to withdraw the emails from the Ministry of Health, we had to draw up a document saying that the emails are not in the Minsal, they have never been there in the last time, because It is Entel, the company with which we have an agreement, the one that files such documents, has the emails on its servers “.
The Secretary of State affirmed that “Entel is going to deliver the files to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry, in three days it will deliver the emails, and that we are going to accomplish one hundred percent.”
“We have nothing to hide, except what the Supreme Court itself has said: that which threatens national security, and also those emails that imply violating the law of rights and duties of the patient. We are ready to surrender, we have never On the contrary, we have asked for more time, we have asked that things be done in an orderly fashion, that they go to the places where the post office really were, but we have not refused and we are not going to refuse, “he added.
Saturday November 14 | Daily balance # COVID-19
🔸 1,644 new cases
🔸 1,093 cases with symptoms
🔸 536 asymptomatic cases
🔸 15 not notified
🔸 529,676 total cases
🔸 9,358 assets
🔸 505,243 recovered
🔸 39 deaths registered (14,777 in total) pic.twitter.com/mTP8Iux1kn– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) November 14, 2020