Minister Delgado: The President will announce the promulgation of the second withdrawal in the next few hours


The Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, said that the President Sebastián Piñera will announce in the next few hours when it will promulgate the bill presented by the Government to allow for the second early withdrawal of 10 percent of pension funds.

The initiative It was approved in the third process by the Upper House with the vote in favor of 41 senators and one abstention (Felipe Armario, from Europe)

“The 10% was a very important job that both Minister Briones and Minister Monckeberg have carried out. Beyond fine analysis, there is something that was very important to the Government: That this project continue on the path of institutionality and legality“Delagado pointed out.

The government project sought to “connect with the needs of the people and care with respect to people who are left without their pension savings Delgado assured The promulgation of the law is something that the President will announce in the next few hours“.
