He Ministry of Education reported that this Tuesday started the application process for student benefits corresponding to higher education in 2021.
In this instance, students who next year want to enter technical training centers, professional institutes or universities, and those who are already pursuing a career and do not have student aid, with a maximum term until 2:00 p.m. on November 17, 2020.
“This year more than 792 thousand young people study with some student benefit, which means that two out of every three students have state aid to complete their studies. That is why we invite all young people to apply and start the process for admission in 2021 “, said the Undersecretary of Higher Education, Juan Eduardo Vargas placeholder image.
For the application they must register in www.fuas.cl from any device, and follow the steps indicated on the platform.
The benefits that may be accessed are: Gratuity, New Millennium Scholarship, Bicentennial Scholarship, Juan Gómez Millas Scholarship, Juan Gómez Millas Extranjeros Scholarship, Technical Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Scholarship, University Admission Transition Test Score Scholarship, Scholarship for Children of Professionals of Education, Articulation Scholarship, Scholarship for Students with Disabilities, Continuity of Studies Scholarship for Closing Institutions, Food Scholarship for Higher Education (JUNAEB), University Credit Solidarity Fund, and State Guaranteed Credit (CAE) .
In addition, on the same site there are other forms that allow you to opt for the Teacher Vocation Scholarships and the scholarships of RepairTherefore, in total, young people can apply for 19 State student benefits.
Incentive for teachers
As a novelty, and to avoid the deficit of teachers in the country, the 2021 Budget Law proposed the reactivation of the Vocation of Teacher Scholarship for Graduates and Professionals.
“As a country we have the challenge of avoiding the deficit of teachers that is projected for the next few years. Therefore, collecting a cross-sectional proposal from the Technical Table that we formed last year to address this problem, in addition to the existing modalities of the Scholarship Teacher vocation we propose open 250 places for this modality that supports late vocations, giving opportunities to professionals who want to become teachers “, highlighted the undersecretary Vargas.
The Mineduc had an information network on its portals, social networks and the Call Center 600 600 26 26.