This Thursday, December 31, the deadline for dependent workers who accessed the Middle Class Bonus of $ 500,000, without complying with the requirements established in the law, can restore it through the website of the General Treasury of the Republic, without adjustments, fines or interest, as warned by the Internal Revenue Service.
In the process of verifying compliance with the requirements established by law, the SII detected 437,703 dependent workers who, according to the information available from the Superintendencies of Social Security and Pensions, Treasury and BancoEstado, presented differences between the amount that they self-declared as July 2020 taxable salary at the time of requesting the bonus and the one calculated from your mandatory social security contributions or from what is actually received.
Restore or deliver records
The SII established a refund procedure for workers to restore the amounts, or to submit the information that shows that they did comply with the decrease of at least 30% in their taxable salary last July.
The agency called on those who are in a position to restore to do so within the established period and thereby avoid the application of readjustments, fines and interest.
Last term for the State Solidarity Loan
Meanwhile, today the deadline for dependent workers and individual entrepreneurs who meet the legal requirements, can request for the last time the State Solidarity Loan, corresponding to December.
This benefit was destined to dependent workers and individual entrepreneurs who registered a decrease of -at least- 30%; with respect to the average of the remunerations received in 2019, in the case of dependent workers, or on the basis of the calculation of PPM, in the case of individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with the provisions of the law.