Until yesterday, November 30, 35,220 workers They gave the Internal Revenue Service (SII) the information to demonstrate that they met the requirements to access the Middle Class Bonus, intended for those who faced a reduction in their income of at least 30% in July as a result of the health emergency.
It should be remembered that, in the legal process of verifying compliance with the requirements to access said voucher, the SII detected 437,703 dependent workers presented differences between the amount that they self-declared as taxable salary for July 2020 at the time of requesting the bonus and the amount calculated from their mandatory pension contributions or from what is actually received.
That is why the SII established this procedure so that workers could restore the amounts, or provide the background information that showed that they did comply with the decrease of at least 30% in their taxable salary last July.
The deadline for the presentation of this information ended yesterday and the SII is carrying out the analysis of these antecedents, the results of which will be communicated to the interested parties through e-mails.
For their part, dependent workers who accessed the Tax Contribution for the Middle Class without complying with the legal requirements, They have a deadline to restore said amount without readjustments, penalties or interest until December 31, through the website of the General Treasury of the Republic, after the SII extended said term in order to provide greater facilities to comply with this process.
Until yesterday, 43,464 dependent workers had reinstated the bonus.
Finally, the SII reiterated the call “to those who are in a position to restore to do so within the established period and thus avoid the application of readjustments, fines and interest.