Microsoft Word now considers double spacing after a period to be an error


Word wants to help end a long-running debate. According to The Verge, the popular Microsoft word processor will incorporate a new function to its editor that will mark both spaces after a period as an error.

The debate over whether to use one or two spaces after a period is a longstanding one and although obviously this move by Microsoft is not a final word, it is a great argument in favor of those who consider it wrong to leave a double spacing.

However, those who refuse to give up leaving two spaces after the point will not have to resign themselves to seeing their texts full of red.

After all, Word itself allows you to adapt your corrections to our writing style, and just as we ask you to add our last names or first names to your dictionary, anyone who wants to can set it to not double-space after a period as an error.

Microsoft is currently in the process of testing this change on the desktop version of Word, so they will eventually be able to find it when they are preparing to write something.
