The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, he assured that certain members of the British royal family expressed doubts about the skin color their first child would have with Prince Harry, revealed that during that pregnancy had suicidal thoughts and stated that the Royal House refused to help her.
In an explosive interview broadcast this Sunday in the United States, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex recounted their experience before leaving the British monarchy, and Harry regretted the deterioration of her relationship both with her brother, the Prince william, as with his father, Charles of England, of whom he said he has been “disappointed”.
The most shocking revelations were made by Meghan, who starred alone in the first half of the interview with the presenter Oprah Winfrey, which lasted two hours and aired in prime time on the network CBS.
“In the months that I was pregnant, there were … concerns and conversations about how dark her skin could be when she was born.”, Meghan assured.
The Duchess said that those alleged racist comments were made in “conversations the family had” with Harry, but refused to identify those who made them, stating that “That would be very harmful to them.”
When later joining the interview, Prince Harry confirmed that the conversation revolved around “what would the children look like” with Meghan, who is mixed race and with African-American roots, but declined to elaborate on the details. respect.
“It’s a conversation I’m never going to talk about”said Harry, adding that it was “shocking.”
Meghan, who is pregnant with her second baby and announced during the interview that it is a girl who will be born this summer, said that when she was expecting the birth of her first child in 2019, Archie, he learned that the Royal House “did not want him to be a prince” or to “receive security.”
She added that she was overwhelmed by the idea that her son “was not going to be safe, and that the first colored member of this family would not be given a title in the same way that other grandchildren would be given.”
The Duchess of Sussex lamented that there can be such racism in the royal family, because “the Commonwealth is a huge part of the monarchy and 60 to 70 percent are people of color”, adding that she knows “how important it has been. It’s been for them to see someone in this position who looks similar to theirs. “
Meghan also revealed that her mental health noticeably worsened during her first pregnancy, and that there came a point where she had to talk seriously to Harry because she had suicidal thoughts “very clear, real and constant, that were scary”.
“I just didn’t want to be alive anymore”, he stressed.
He affirmed that he went to “one of the highest ranking people in the institution” of the Royal Household and “begged him to help him” to improve his mental health, but they replied “no, they could not do anything” for her.
“They never did anything, so we had to find a solution,” Meghan added, apparently referring to their decision to withdraw from the monarchy and start a new life outside the UK.
The Duchess of Sussex stressed that, although at that time she could not feel “more alone”, she has recovered her mental health and now feels that “life is worth living.”
In addition, it ruled on the rumor that, before her wedding to Harry, she made her sister-in-law Kate cry, Duchess of Cambridge and wife of Prince William, assuring that this never happened and that, in fact, “It was the other way around.”
“The narrative that I made Kate cry was the beginning of the murder of my ‘character’ (in the eyes of British society)”said Meghan, who regretted that the Royal House never denied that rumor, as it did with those that affected “any other” of its members.
The duchess alleged that it was Kate who was “upset about the issue of the bridesmaids’ dresses” of her wedding, adding: “It made me cry and hurt my feelings. “
However, he added that Kate “then apologized” and sent her flowers, and assured that she considers her “a good person”So she hoped you understand that the impression that Meghan treated her badly needs to be “corrected.”
When he joined the interview, the prince Harry denied another rumor, that Queen Elizabeth was not informed of his decision to withdraw from the monarchy.
“I would never hide something like that from my grandmother, I have too much respect for her,” he said, adding that they have a good relationship with the queen and speak to her through Zoom.
Instead, Harry revealed that her father, Prince Charles, stopped “answering the phone” after he made the decision to start a new life.
“I feel really disappointed, because he has been through something similar. There has been a lot of pain,” said Harry, who hoped he could “repair the relationship” with his father.
About his brother William, the second in line to the throne, he said that the relationship between the two now consists of giving themselves “space”, and that although he “loves him a lot”, they are on “different paths.
“I was trapped by that system and didn’t know it (…). My father and my brother are trapped, they cannot leave, and that inspires me with enormous compassion “stressed the prince.
He assured that, Although her family “welcomed” Meghan at first, things began to change after their tour of Oceania., in which the popularity of his wife became clear, as happened with the visit to Australia in 1983 of Diana of Wales, Harry’s mother.
“My biggest concern was that history would repeat itself”said Harry, who appreciated having Meghan and not having to go “alone” through the process of distancing himself from the monarchy, as happened to his mother.
On February 19, Harry and Meghan confirmed to the queen that will no longer work as members of the British royal family, and the head of state decided to withdraw from her grandson – sixth in the line of succession to the British throne – the honorary sponsorships he held.
However, Harry assured during the interview that the royal family “really cut” his funds “in the first quarter of 2020”, just before they moved to America, but said that they both have the inheritance his mother left him.