This Sunday it was announced that the Bethia group, controller of Megamedia, appealed the ruling of the National Television Council, which had demanded the payment of a fine of 400 UTM, about 20 million pesos, for the case that involved José Miguel Viñuela and the cameraman José Miranda.
In this sense, the conglomerate appealed to the Court of Appeals to reverse this situation, ensuring that “The only person responsible was he (Viñuela).”
As detailed by Diario Financiero, Bethia would seek to exempt herself from responsibilities for the event that occurred last July, when the animator cut the hair of the audiovisual in the morning Pleasure.
“It has been conclusively proven that Megamedia did not bear any responsibility in the facts”, they held.
They also highlighted that they have carried out reparatory measures for the professional, a situation that “has been indicated by the investigation of the Labor Department and the cameraman himself.
It should be noted that the case between Viñuela and Miranda is currently being reviewed in court, after the cameraman sued the communicator.
Without going any further, within the framework of the investigation, the cheerleaders who were on set that day would be summoned to testify: Diana Bolocco, Soledad Onetto and Michelle Adam.
Viñuela has had sporadic appearances on Mega’s morning in recent weeks.