An earthquake was felt at 11:11 p.m. this Friday in the regions of Atacama, Coquimbo and Valparaíso, which was classified as “medium intensity” by the National Emergency Office (Onemi).
The first report from the National Seismological Center (CSN), dependent on the University of Chile, estimated the magnitude at 6.4 Richter. However, minutes later he was corrected to 5.6.
The epicenter was located 11 kilometers south of Punitaqui, according to the report of the National Seismological Center (CSN), dependent on the University of Chile.
The hypocenter, meanwhile, was located 56 kilometers deep.
No damage to people, alteration to basic services or infrastructure as a result of this earthquake are reported, according to what was indicated by Onemi.
The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy (SHOA) reported that “The characteristics of the earthquake do not meet the necessary conditions to generate a tsunami off the coast of Chile.”
SHOA indicates that the characteristics of the earthquake do NOT meet the necessary conditions to generate a tsunami off the coast of Chile. More info. https://t.co/r4IfR3uDDH
– onemichile (@onemichile) November 21, 2020
According to what is indicated by Onemi, the intensities on the international scale of Mercalli -which is from I to XII- ranged between II and VI:
Atacama region
- Alto del Carmen: V
- Boiler: III
- Chañaral: II
- Copiapó: III
- Diego de Almagro: II
- Freirina: IV
- Huasco: IV
- Yellow Earth: III
- Vallenar: IV
Coquimbo region
- Andacollo: V
- Cinnamon: IV
- Combarbalá: VI
- Coquimbo: V
- Illapel: IV
- The Fig Tree: VI
- La Serena: VI
- Los Vilos: III
- Monte Patria: V
- Ovalle: V
- Paiguano: V
- Punithere: VI
- Hurtado River: V
- Salamanca: IV
- Vicuña: V
Valparaíso region
- Olmué: IV
- Quilpué: IV
- Zapallar: IV