A telluric movement of medium intensity was registered on Tuesday afternoon in the south of the country, and that could be perceived in the regions of Bío Bío, La Araucanía, Los Ríos and Los Lagos.
The National Seismological Center detailed that the 5.0 magnitude movement occurred at 4:29 p.m. 23 kilometers east of Villarrica, with a depth of 103.4 kms.
Onemi pointed out that at the moment there are no reports of damage to people, alteration to basic services or infrastructure as a result of this earthquake. For their part, technical organizations are evaluating the regional situation.
For its part, the SHOA indicated that the characteristics of the earthquake nor they meet the necessary conditions to generate a tsunami off the coast of Chile.
The intensities on the Mercalli scale are as follows:
Bio bio region:
Chiguayante: III
Lebu: III
Tirúa: III
Araucania region:
Carahue: IV
Loncoche: III
Father las Casas: III
Pucón: III
Saavedra: III
Temuco: III
Theodore Schmidt: V
Tolten: V
Villarrica: III
River region:
The Union: III
Lanco: IV
The Lakes: IV
Mobile: III
Mariquina: V
Mehuín: III
Paillaco: IV
Panguipulli: IV
Valdivia: V
Los Lagos Region:
Osorno: II
San Juan de la Costa: II