The vice president of the Medical College, Patricio Meza, referred to the possibility of a covid-19 outbreak in the country, assuring that it is an option due to the unexpected increase in cases in regions, after months of stability.
In conversation with Radio Cooperativa, Meza pointed out that “if the virus has behaved in such a way in the countries of Europe, and the communes of Chile that had the first outbreak are those with the highest transmissibility of the virus today, we believe that sooner or later early it should reach the largest cities in our country, which are unfortunately those that drag the statistics at the national level. “
Along these lines, he warned that a regrowth will alter the numbers more radically in Santiago, since “Valdivia was forced to quarantine, Futrono the same, and Lautaro and Temuco, after having been very well for several weeks.”
“The regrowth comes anyway,” he said, adding that “many believe that, as it has been advancing from the south to the north again, the disease in Santiago will probably arrive at some point.”
“Therefore, we must insist on the measures of how to address this, and since the disease is going to accompany us for a long time we have to learn to live with it and take care of ourselves permanently,” added Meza.
Regarding the current situation in the country, he said that “although at the moment there is a total number of cases that is decreasing, we should not get used to the fact that every day we have around 50 people killed by the coronavirus, which is a tremendously high figure. “
“We believe that we need to intensify much more all the strategies for the prevention of the disease and the testing at the primary care level, where we can especially improve traceability and very early isolation. An even greater educational campaign must be carried out,” he said.