The controversy continues over the measures implemented by the Government for the celebration of National Holidays. Some mayors criticize the “Stay in your house” because they take that there is little control and a rise in coronavirus infections.
The point most questioned by the communal chiefs is the permission for families to meet. Specifically, the plan establishes that a maximum of 5 people can meet in closed spaces, while in open spaces there are 10.
This was indicated in “It could be worse” the mayor of Concepción, Álvaro Ortiz, and that of Coquimbo, Marcelo Pereira.
Ortiz rated the measure as “Centralist and absolutely contradictory to what we have requested from the citizens (…) it hurts us in the soul not to be able to celebrate an 18 as it corresponds or as we are used to, but unfortunately it is not possible. We cannot be asking people not to leave their home, to take care of themselves in quarantine and now tell them that yes, they can meet ”.
He insisted that the decision of the health authority is “Inadequate, totally irresponsible invite people to visit each other during the 18 ″.
Their great concern is that outbreaks arise and the uncertainty of when economic activities will be able to resume.
For this reason, he indicated that what they ask is that “at least in those communes in forty do not run, do not rule “ the permission.
For its part, Marcelo Pereira added that the flexibility of the measures is “A real slap in the face for people who have been on the front line, Call the people in the hospital, the officials of the Coquimbo de La Serena hospital because they have given a lot and are exposed to this cursed virus. “
Like his counterpart in Concepción, he assured that the plan responds to centralism, believing that Santiago is Chile. Therefore, They requested to revoke the decision of flexibility during the 18 of September.
“I take it for granted, I’m sure, that because of this easing on September 18, two weeks after the holidays, cases will potentially increase which will keep us quarantined for longer than projected, “he emphasized.
Both agreed that this type of decision should be made based on the realities of the territories and stressed that a large part of the infections are due precisely to family gatherings.
To close, they assured that they will request that the measure be revoked.
Check out the full interview below: