The mayor of Los Lagos announced which communes will advance in the Step by Step Plan, prior to the official notice of the Ministry of Health.
He curator Harry Jürgensen published on their social networks that the communes of Chonchi, Quemchi and Queilen will advance to Phase 2 of Transition.
In turn, he announced that Castro, Puqueldón and Hualaihué will advance to Phase 3 of preparation.
The national balance with the corresponding announcement from the health authority is scheduled for this Thursday morning.
It should be remembered that the Mayor of Chonchi, Fernando Oyarzún, had determined the opening of local businesses for this week, despite the quarantine that had confined them for two months.
For his part, Oyarzún stated that: “We have to be more careful than ever to continue protecting ourselves and taking care of ourselves in order to safely advance to the other phases, which will involve an even greater commitment from our entire community (…) so that this Let’s not miss out on this opportunity ”.