The mayor of Florida, Rodolfo Carter had harsh words for the Government of Sebastián Piñera for the crime in his commune, after on Wednesday a citizen of Venezuelan nationality was the victim of a theft of his vehicle by a group of assailants in the Los Copihues street.
In this regard, the mayor said that “this Venezuelan migrant who came starting from crime and poverty, finds that this Government and this State of Chile are beginning to look more and more like Caracas. The kidnappings, the hitmen, the door knockers. We are facing a state and an inept government, absolutely indolent in the face of people’s pain. “
“I’m sure that if this happens in another neighborhood (…) commissions would be set up here to fix how their salaries are arranged. What do they need to understand? Florida’s figures have been terrible for weeks. This Municipality that is not Las Condes nor Vitacura (…) we have had to get money to feed them in the face of the government’s incompetence to help the middle class, and in the face of the government’s incompetence to comply with its constitutional obligation to guarantee public order, “he added .
The communal chief also said that “what this Venezuelan citizen is asking (…) this man could have ended up dead, dragged by the vehicles.”
“I am extremely disappointed in President Piñera in the face of his indolence in front of ordinary people. When they came to us to ask for the vote, I campaigned with him. I have no face to return to where those people in front of a government that looks at its navel. We are leaving to defend “, closed Carter.