Mayflower assured that the exit of the teacher who sent WhatsApp audio was of “mutual agreement” | National


CONTEXT | Pablo Ovalle | UNO Agency


The Mayflower College He referred to the departure from his ranks of a teacher who starred in a viralized audio of WhatsApp about the face-to-face classes and at a distance in the establishment.

It is a voice message where the teacher, with a colloquial language, described the difficulties he had experienced after returning to class, where he had to teach students in the classroom and also other students who they saw her online from their homes.

The audio, which had been broadcast in a private context, went viral to the point that the teacher ended up leaving his job at school.

Given the unconfirmed versions that the teacher had been fired, it was pointed out from the school that his departure was by “mutual agreement”.

According to information from T13, the director of the school, Patricia Prieto, sent a letter to the student community where she ruled out the dismissal of the teacher.

“On Thursday, March 11, a conversation was held with the teacher in which the contract term was agreed by mutual agreement, “he declared.

Prieto added that “we deeply regret the situation that affected a teacher at our school, when an audio of private circulation was made public.”

“We are very sorry that a conversation in an intimate, trusting context has become a fact of public connotation “added.

Finally, Prieto stated that “we have made every effort to promote the start of a school year that presents multiple challenges, especially for our students and teachers. We are confident that, as always, with the collaboration of everyone, we will continue to advance until the pandemic has been overcome, always taking care of the well-being and care of all of us who make up the community ”.
