The TVN program Informe Especial aired a report on Thursday night in which Martín Pradenas spoke for the first time, since he was formalized for the crimes of rape and sexual abuse against Antonia Barra.
In the space, it was indicated that the law student would not give his answers in front of the camera despite the fact that he had initially accepted it, answering only in writing five questions that were asked, those that were read by his father Iván.
In the space, the parents of Martín Pradenas, Iván and Paola Durr, who defended their son, also spoke.
The sayings of the mother of Pradenas
There they were consulted about the images of a security camera. “I am a woman and indeed I do not like what you see. I feel that Antonia does not have much desire, but at the same time she has desire, because if she goes. It is as strange the feeling that it produces in me,” replied the mother of Pradenas.
“Antonia was a lady, as is my daughter, and it is most likely that she did not agree with what Martín wanted to do at that time, in that sector. I am a woman, for us it is much more modest all the sexual, public, street, day, but it is also clear to me that if I want to say ‘no’, it is no, like the logo that is being used now and I don’t see her at any time saying no, “he said.
When Durr was asked if he believes that what is taking place is abuse, he replied that “I don’t think it was an abuse because Antonia had the possibility, as a woman, to hit a slap, a slap, something, get off her. did”.
For his part, the prosecutor Miguel Rojas pointed out about the record that “Antonia was in an evident state of drunkenness, was under the effects of a central nervous system depressant and the same is not appreciated in relation to the accused. In fact there is a situation of dominance on the part of the accused, a situation of struggle on the part of the victim, who cannot succeed in the face of the actions that the accused takes.