Marta Larraechea in a tailspin against Senator Provoste for slipping the idea of ​​the DC primaries with the PC: “Let him resign and leave”


Former First Lady Marta Larraechea criticized Senator DC Yasna Provoste.

Why? It all started last Sunday, when DC deputy Miguel Ángel Calisto referred to an interview with Provoste, where he said that “a presidential primary where the DC and the PC are is absolutely compatible.”

Calisto responded by Twitter: “Doing a primary with the PC means that, if Jadue is chosen, we all have to bow our heads and support him. That ends up diluting the DC. It seems to me that Senator Yasna Provoste chose the path of the left. no return, but it can’t drag us all down the cliff. “

Along these lines, Larraechea posted on social networks: “I think Yasna is in the wrong party, let her resign and go to the PC.”

Provoste defended himself: “The debate on the path and role of the Christian Democrats for the future of the country should be one of height and ideas, not cartoons. I invite you to read and understand the interview.”
