Agency One / Archive

Y Mario Rozas He will maintain his position as general director of the Carabineros for 2021, after President Sebastián Piñera approved the High Command of the institution for next year.

This despite the fact that from various political sectors and citizens they requested Rozas’s departure, due to the role that he has played since the beginning of the social outbreak and because of the questioned work of the Carabineros regarding the use of force.

The request for his departure took more force with the fall of a minor under 16 years into the Mapocho River, pushed by a police officer who is formalized by the fact.

Meanwhile, the also questioned General Enrique Bassaletti was promoted to Inspector General.

On the other hand, of the 41 general positions, only three women appear:

  • Head of the Border Area and Special Services: Berta Robles
  • Head of the Traffic, Highways and Road Safety area: Marcela González Casas-Cordero
  • Director of Human Rights and Family Protection: Karina Soza Muñoz


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