“My resignation has been constantly requested, but I have a presidential mandate to fulfill and that is to lead, lead and lead this reform that we are carrying out”Said this afternoon the general director of the Carabineros, Mario Rozas, in the Citizen Security Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, as far as he attended, via telematics, to deliver information on the fall of a young man into the Mapocho River caused, according to the prosecution, by a policeman who intercepted him in the midst of demonstrations registered on Friday in the sector of the Pío Nono bridge.
“When I assume the mandate in this institution, the presidential mandate that I am ordered is to work hard on the modernization of the institution. His Excellency, the President of the Republic, warns me that it will not be an easy job and that most likely there would be a transition to achieve this. He was not wrong, because it has really been very complex, very exhausting, especially for some time to date where we have had serious disturbances to public order, “he added.
Along these lines, he said that since October to date more than 20 thousand events have been registered, “many, if not the vast majority, of serious disturbances of public order, which has brought together more than 8 million people ”.
In addition, he pointed out that “we have always recognized our mistakes, we are constantly subjected to evaluations. This is an evaluation instance for those who speak to them ”.
“The evaluation that we make is permanent, we maintain a control system that is at all times and Certainly, corrections are being made so as not to make mistakes that can ultimately be horrors.. There is a control that is quite exhaustive ”, she assured.
Regarding the criticisms that have arisen because the young man was assisted by civilians and not by the uniformed police, he said that “we would have loved to bring down the Carabineros, but perhaps he would have been exposed to a much more complicated situation of aggression and This young man could also have been a victim of these attacks.
Likewise, the general director and the head of the Western Metropolitan Zone of Carabineros, General Enrique Monrás, made a presentation at the Citizen Security Commission of the Chamber of Deputies with details of Friday’s operation.
Rozas pointed out that, according to police records, from April to date there have been 918 events of disorder. “This is more or less relevant data to take into account of all the actions in which the Carabineros have participated,” he said, adding that most have been registered in Plaza Baquedano, Huechuraba and Peñalolén.
More about Pío Nono bridge case
Mario Rozas in the Chamber: “My resignation has been constantly requested, but I have a presidential mandate to fulfill”
Then, Monrás, who was surrogate zone chief for Friday, showed a presentation where it was shown that the operation It consisted of 3 parts: Phase 1, containment and grouping; phase 2, intervention and detention, and phase 3, post clearance cupping.
Along these lines, he said that the police deterrence of the demonstrations began at around 4:30 p.m. According to his records, the young man fell into the river at 7:34 p.m. According to their own records, at 7:46 p.m. Cenco de Carabineros personnel gave notice by telephone to the Fire Department of the minor’s fall, requesting collaboration. That is to say, around 12 minutes after the fall.

By means of a drone, he said, at 7:50 p.m. it was observed that he was already being treated by the Samu and Firefighters.
In addition, on the other hand, Monrás insisted on the existence of a record of detention of the minor, which has been refuted by the prosecution. The uniformed officer said that personnel from the Police Investigations Section (SIP) went twice to the Santa María Clinic, where he is hospitalized after being operated on for the fractures in his wrists with which he ended up. One was at 8:30 p.m., where, he affirmed, a noncommissioned officer and a major noncommissioned officer attended and an official from the health facility reportedly gave him the identity and status of the minor.

Then, according to Monrás, a lieutenant from the SIP went at dawn and contacted the child’s mother outside the clinic. The uniformed man “asks him for the facility of taking responsibility for the adolescent since, on the instruction of the prosecution, he should be warned, waiting for a summons from the respective local prosecutor’s office and due to his current state he could not draw up the aforementioned act.”
“He asks for the current address which is recorded in the minutes. This record was delivered the same day the report was made. The report was completed in the morning of the next day and around 20 documents attached to the police report were sent within it, within them this certificate of delivery to the mother and which has a signature. But, obviously, that is left to the investigation that the Public Ministry is carrying out, “said Monrás.
In addition, he said that another act includes the reading of rights and the word “hospitalized” is indicated, “that because the police did not have access to people.”