The legendary former national tennis player Marcelo Ríos decided to withdraw from the Plebiscite for a New Constitution, even though he had traveled to Chile for this, and explained his decision not to vote in the morning.
In dialogue with Channel 13, Ríos pointed out that “I came to vote in Chile, to vote for the Plebiscite because I was interested, but more than that I want to do an outreach and show how bad we are, how irresponsible this ‘question’ of the Plebiscite has been, how badly organized the tables, that people and queues do not arrive “.
“I arrived at eight o’clock, I go to the table and he was the only one, so he told me: there is a table member missing and as long as there is no table member, you cannot vote. Time passed and then he told me: the bad thing is that if you stay and they catch you they will leave you as a table member, what happened seems to (Stefan) Kramer and I decided to leave, and I couldn’t vote. “
“It is a lack of respect towards us as people who want to demonstrate their vote. I had to undergo a medical examination at 10 o’clock and I just vacated. Now I passed by and there is a queue that reaches the Divine Word (School) So to be in a queue, if people ‘bug’ me, imagine how they’re going to bug me in the queue“, Hill.