The former Argentine midfielder Marcelo espina talked about his departure from Colo Colo, club of which he is recognized idol for what he has done on the field, but where he failed to respond to the confidence in his questioned position as sports director, since he had to leave at a very difficult time for the institution.
“In this last time I was not very confident in how I was working. I did not feel calm. A lot of information was being handed out and much of that information was directly to endorse me with responsibilities that were not mine. and that they did not belong to my area. I was already tired of this. In fact, Before the game with Huachipato, I got sick from stress. I couldn’t go to Talcahuano, the doctor didn’t let me, “he said in an interview with the newspaper Third.
“I put up with it quite a bit this last month. I am human, I am consistent, what I have to say, I say face to face. I couldn’t keep working in a place where they wanted to blame me for absolutely everything and in areas that did not correspond to me. The sports area corresponded to me, for which I am responsible without any problem. But in this last month, month and a half, little by little information was sent out in which I was supposedly the culprit of things that I had not even analyzed or had been asked, “he added.
As for how his departure was conceived, he noted that “I don’t know if the word is maneuver. I am quite naive in many things, because as I am a good person, I am not thinking of doing harm to another and that they are going to do it to me. I don’t want to think that they were doing any of that to me, but I do think they were wanting to shed their responsibilities and pass them on to me. “
Finally, Espina pointed out that “those who made decisions that have nothing to do with sports. There are leaders who made the decision to send the players to the unemployment law, that famous press conference, that of Matías Zaldivia… They are all decisions that are related to another area, which did not belong to me, and in which I did not participate “.