ATON Chile

Marcelo Diaz became the first presidential candidate of the Wide Front after the Unir Movement proclaimed it as the best card for a primary of the left conglomerate.

Díaz, who gave an interview to El Mercurio, classified the proclamation “as a collective effort that requires a lot of dialogue and a lot of construction with society, because what is clear is that nowadays the decisions of the parties are not enough, but a new form of relationship with society is required“.

“The Broad Front has to bet on conducting the next cycle that it is going to set in motion the transformations that are demanding of us, “said the deputy.

Primary with Beatriz Sánchez

Marcelo Díaz acknowledged that he is willing to go to a primary school with Beatriz Sánchez, since in his opinion, “Beatriz is a tremendous leader of Frente Amplio. She has to make a decision, whether or not she is going to be a candidate. From Unir we have stated that it is desirable and reasonable for the Broad Front to resolve its presidential candidacy through a primary, and we are willing to be part of this process. “

Differences with Pamelas Jiles

Asked about his leadership differences with Pamela Jiles, Marcelo Díaz assured that “this invitation to embody this candidacy as part of a collective project in which ideas have to be above people. This is a tolerant project in which everyone fits . We do not seek the annihilation of anyone, but rather to give a channel to the transformation process that Chilean society requires “.

“Our challenges will be: a profound provisional reform that radically changes the pension financing model; second, to have a health reform with a single health insurance, and that requires that we go from 5% of GDP in health to 8%“, Hill.


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