Maradona: Mariano Closs breaks down in tears when he sees an image of Diego with his daughters Dalma and Gianinna


The world cries out Diego Maradona almost two days after his departure. Sports programs Argentina they aired almost at the same time as the news and, with it, there were many spontaneous and moving reactions from different personalities who almost always keep their composure and could not hold back the tears.

And now it was the turn of Mariano closs. The journalist and reporter, always very composed, could not bear to see an archive image of Maradona with Dalma and Gianinna, two of his daughters who gave a lot of meaning and strength to his life. And although they were apart in the last time, heartfelt messages were sent through social networks for important dates and there was even a last reunion with Claudia Villafañe, former partner of Diego and mother of “las nenas”, for the birthday of Benjamin Agüero Maradona, his grandson.

While they were on the panel with the Sebastian Vignolo the image appeared. “ Look, look at that photo, watch out … That’s the photo, Mariano “, said the Chicken before what Closs broke saying “I’d rather not see it. You put yourself ‘in father’ ”.

“The image moves me more because you know what the story is today. That makes me angry “, continued while Vignolo complemented stating that “for the girls Maradona is the father, the one who changed their diapers, who took them … well, where he could, it was not easy.”

Diego Maradona, who already rests in the Bella Vista cemetery in Buenos Aires, died at age 60 on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 as a result of cardiorespiratory arrest derived from different pathologies and causes.
