Mañalich justifies a parallel count to Epivigila due to a failure in the system: dozens of cases were missing | National


The former Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich, declared this Tuesday before the Seventh Guarantee Court of Santiago as a defendant, within the framework of the investigation led by the Central-North Prosecutor’s Office for his management during the coronavirus pandemic.

Mañalich made a harsh criticism of the Epivigila system, explaining that several errors were registered, such as duplicate cases, cases that doctors did not enter, hacking attempts or data incorrectly entered.

“The Epivigila platform did not lack dozens, but hundreds of cases that were reported as positive and were not admitted to Epivigila, so they resorted to creating an accessory platform with the reports from the laboratories,” he said.

Regarding the death count, Mañalich explained that it is an important data on the impact of the pandemic, but that it has a certain delay with decision-making and that, in this case, errors were also recorded in Epivigila.

“There was a huge gap between the dates of death, the number of deaths and what epivigila had on record.
That is why in the use of the health alert and the attributions of the Undersecretariat of Assistance Networks, the seremi were asked to add a daily death report, ”he said.

During his statement, the former minister did not mention the accusations of former officials of the Ministry of Health, regarding a parallel account of his chief of staff, something that he did mention when questioned by the Prosecutor’s Office.

Mañalich affirmed that in the case of deaths until the beginning of April, the only information base was the Epivigila platform, but after verifying some errors, the Seremis were asked for help and that the Cabinet of the Undersecretariat of Public Health created a parallel platform.

“Subsequently, a source of information was created -with respect to the deceased- from the seremis (…) and the deceased monitoring platform created by the cabinet of the Undersecretary of Public Health, through that source, information was received from the different Seremías, what epidemiology compared with what was in Epivigila ”, he declared.

Mañalich maintained that “the count that had epivigila had errors and was incomplete
“, So work began on a new system to count deaths, progressively incorporating the Civil Registry, reaching the report includes the probable deaths of covid-19.

In the statement, he also explained that this parallel count was also reported to the Comptroller’s Office at the time, when it conducted an audit on the data of the pandemic in Chile.

Mañalich’s statement continues until Tuesday afternoon, including questions from the Prosecutor’s Office to the former Secretary of State.
