This morning, the Health Minister Jaime Mañalich, in conversation with Radio Duna, clarified the questions that arose regarding the numbers of deaths from respiratory diseases and Covid-19.
This, after the journalist Alejandra Matus reported on social networks a query made to the Civil Registry through Transparency, where she inquired about “the number of deaths due to death recorded as respiratory disease, especially but not exclusively Covid- 19, pneumonia or pneumonia, from March 3, 2020 to the date of the report. ”
In response, it was indicated that as of April 29, 2020, there were 4,201 deaths from the causes consulted, which contrasts with the 209 deaths registered by the Minsal.
Faced with this questioning, the Ministry of Health itself responded by Twitter, indicating that the figures they used indicated that there was no greater variation and that it was less than those indicated.
On this, Minister Mañalich himself went out to explain this morning on Radio Duna that the cause of death “is very relevant for the Ministry of Health”, and that this was analyzed by a specific department called Epidemiology for Health Information (DEIS).
In this regard, the minister released the DEIS report of the date in question, indicating that the figures provided by the Civil Registry did not agree with what they were handling.
The report is as follows:
“If you look at the report (from the DEIS), the records for the international classification is similar to that of previous years, even with less growth, 1,949 deaths in the months of March and April in total, which is a slightly longer period. prolonged (than the one consulted with Transparency), “he indicated.
As explained, the Civil Registry is based on information provided by the DEIS, and therefore, it does not coincide that they have such discrepancy in the data.
“I do not think they have it up to date, because this classification that I refer to the Civil Registry updates it with a six-month delay,” he added.
The difference in these figures, between the report delivered by the Civil Registry, says, “you will find out”, since “it is something important to clarify.” However, it indicates that the DEIS is the one in charge of giving the details of these deaths with the causes, while the Civil Registry has global mortality reports.
“I have no information on how the Civil Registry arrived at the result that it reported through this Transparency question. But the basis that the Civil Registry uses …. the cause, which is fundamentally of sanitary interest – except for legal medical cases – is made by the Ministry of Health, which is a department that has been working on this for many years. ”
On the possibility of an error in reporting the cause of death when there are different factors in the death of a person, the minister dismisses it, indicating that what is fundamental in vital statistics is what the final cause is.
“All the Covid-19 deaths that we report every day are people who had a coronavirus infection or pneumonia as the determining cause of their death,” he explained.
“Every patient who has an exam or that the death certificate says that they have a Covid-19 infection, we report it as a death associated with Covid-19. It was what the World Health Organization points out to us. ”
After this controversy on Twitter, yesterday Minister Karla Rubilar indicated that from today the data on the number of daily deaths per commune by the Civil Registry will be public.